Olympic Briefing: Spectator ClickPack Update

Press Clippings: About a week ago, we posted the first Spectator ClickPack. The idea was to gather, in one spot,lots of the key information necessary to get the most/see the most/learn the most from the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics. Time marches on and since we’re in continual research mode here in the Media Bunker, we have discovered even more sites and information worthy of your time and your clicks. Below, the Sochi Spectator ClickPack Update.  Enjoy–and a reminder: coming up this weekend, the first Olympic Film Festival, something to fill in the time between big events. Some of the videos you might have seen before; most you have not. All made the podium.
The 2014 Winter Olympics Overview
An Interactive Map of the Sochi Winter Olympics
How to Watch The Olympics on A Phone or Tablet
The 2014 Olympics NBC Schedule 
The Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics Schedule 
The Cult of Mac Guide to Cutting The Cable on The Winter Olympics 
The New York Times Coverage of the 2014 Sochi Oympics
The Wall Street Journal Olympics Coverage
The NBC Olympics Site
The NYT Photography Firehose   (continuous live digital photo streams from the game)
BBC Coverage of Winter Olympics
CBC Coverage of 2014 Sochi Games

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