Paying Attention: Don’t know why the thought came up, but the idea of unique colors in the internet/digital age is starting to get a lot of attention here at the Media Bunker. Color is a key component of branding (i.e. Tiffany Blue, Hermes Orange, Kodak Yellow –not very visible anymore, regrettably) but generally not quite enough attention is paid to a) the right colors and b) the right color combinations. So, some research turned up the One Extra Pixel site
and this great post called “The Designers Republic Guide to Catchy Color Combinations“. The post is by Russian-born designer Oleg Mokhov, very appropriate considering the Russian phases we’re all going through due to the Winter Olympics and the tidal wave of Russian Culture and opportunistic militarism that’s sweeping the media, which is an interesting story on his own. But that’s for another day. Take a look at Mokhov’s piece and we’d be interested to hear from designers and design aficionados about their favorite color combos (and send examples!).