Conan O’Brien’s Darthmouth Commencement Address

Paying Attention:   As long as Commencement Addresses are “top of mind”, might as well bring up another great one, this one by Conan O’Brien at Dartmouth in 2011. Not quite as serious as Steve Jobs but every bit as impactive and quite funny. It’s not short: 20 plus minutes in length, but that’s OK, since …

Conan O'Brien's Darthmouth Commencement Address

Paying Attention:   As long as Commencement Addresses are “top of mind”, might as well bring up another great one, this one by Conan O’Brien at Dartmouth in 2011. Not quite as serious as Steve Jobs but every bit as impactive and quite funny. It’s not short: 20 plus minutes in length, but that’s OK, since …

Steve Jobs Stanford Commencement Address

Paying Attention: The season of commencement and commence addresses is upon us. And while the air will be filled with heavy sounding pronouncements like “the future is ahead of us” , how about changing the tune and going back to one of the great commencement speeches of all time, by a man considered one of …

How To Cover An F1 Race

Press Clips:   The F1 racing season is in full swing now with the most glamorous race of the season just concluded,- -the Grand Prix of Monte Carlo–and still a long season of competition and drama to come. The coverage of this race by The Guardian newspaper of England is a textbook example of how to cover …