This piece was written by Michelle Sanchez, who was a member of the Young Journalist Program sponsored by Risi Competizione and COTA. As a part of the program, students move into the press room at Circuit of the Americas and receive a total immersion introduction into real-time/real-world media coverage. Michelle is a Journalism Student at the School of Journalism at the University of Texas. Photo by Daulton Venglar. 
AUSTIN, TX – Growth in an industry that is a “man’s” sport can be intimidating, but for some women, racing in the fast lane eliminates any obstacle.
Being a fan of A.C. Milan brings a sense of pride to Rossella Manfrinato who is from Milan, but working for the Italian brand Ferrari means even more to her. Manfrinato is one of two women who works for Ferrari that is based out of Houston.
At a young age her father would take her down to the racetracks and there she fell in love with racing.
Manfrinato has a long history in motor sports, working in car manufacturers and with race car teams. She studied Mechanical Engineering with a specialty in vehicle dynamics at Politecnico Di Milano. She now works as a technical supporter for Ferrari.
“I’ve been with the motor sports for a few years now and once you’re in you cant get out of it,” said Manfrinato.
To her working in an environment that is dominated by men doesn’t bother her. She shares a small Ferrari trailer and works with about 15 men on a daily basis. Her job is to analyze and understand the responses of a vehicle.
“I love working on cars and I’ve seen more women working in this industry. It’s not weird to see us in the pit anymore,” said Manfrinato.
Data Engineer Chase Navarre, who is the other woman working for Ferrari says that her and Manfrinato have a strong support system and the support from their male co-workers.
“She is very intelligent, easy to work with and we don’t compete with each other. Instead we use each other to learn new things,” said Navarre.
But working in the racing industry comes with some challenges for Manfrinato’s personal life. She hasn’t been able to start a family due to the amount of traveling she does.”I don’t have kids because my partner and I travel with the team all the time. There’s no way,” said Manfrinato. For some having a family is a priority but for Manfrinato her family is out on pit row.
The Fine Print: Photo of Ferrari Tech Rossella Manfrinato by Daulton Venglar, member of the Young Journalist Team. 

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