Paying Attention:
Great post from the MSN site regarding Golf Channel analyst Brandel Chamblee’s comments on Rory McIlroy’s swing. In typical golf analyst fashion, Chamblee–who loves to dissect tour players–got after Rory’s swing and found it lacking by his (Chamblee’s) standards. McIlroy pays attention to such things and shut ole Chamblee down like a bad light bulb in a thunderstorm. Here’s the post. We love our analysts, but they’re not always as well informed as they think they are, as Rory pointed out. Very well done on the part of MSN to pick this one up—someone there (Luke Kerr-Dineen) is really on the ball.
The Fine Print: Embed courtesy of Getty Images, who have the visual history of this century (and the last) on file. Thanks, guys, for sharing.