The Nightshift: 27 June 2017

Press Clippings:

Good Morning, it’s Tuesday, 27 June 2017 and this is the Morning Edition of The Nightshift, the world’s overnight news feed.
The CBO score on the Republican health care bill noted that 22 million people would lose health care, with 15 million of that number coming next year…during an election year. Republicans are desperate to pass something, anything, on health care, but the Trumpcare bill appears to be D.O.A.
The U.S. Supreme Court has decided to review Trump’s travel ban and to allow parts of the ban to take effect until they meet again in the fall. The current Supreme Court session is winding down.
Three key CNN journalists resigned after the network retracted a story critical of a Trump ally.
The Russian Ambassador to the United States, Sergey Kislyak, who is the focus of the Trump/Russia meddling investigation, is leaving the United States. According to Russia, it’s part of a scheduled rotation for Kislyak who may be leaving just in the nick time. What a coincidence.
New Zealand won the 35th  America’s Cup, staged in Bermuda, by beating Oracle Team USA 7 to 1 in the first to seven championship series. The rules and the location for the next America’s Cup are now under control of the new Defender, New Zealand. Congratulations for Larry Ellison for his efforts to both defend the cup and to modernize and popularize it with a new format and new types of sailboats.
Now more than ever, catch up on the news in the rest of the world by reading the front pages of the World’s Greatest newspapers.
The International Headlines are all at your fingertips. Have a great weekend.
The Times (London
Financial Times (UK)
The Irish Times (Dublin, Ireland)
The Wall Street Journal (European edition)
Washington Post (Washington, D.C.)
New York Times (New York)
The Los Angeles Times (Los Angeles)
Daily News Egypt (Cairo)
South China Morning Post (Hong Kong)
The Moscow Times (Moscow)
Le Figaro (Paris) (New York)
The Jerusalem Post (Jerusalem)
The Japanese Times (Tokyo)
Sputnik (Moscow)
The Buenas Aires Herald (Buenas Aires)
The Sidney Morning Herald (Sidney)
Deadline Hollywood (Hollywood)
FiveThirtyEight (New York City)
Politico (Washington, DC)
Lawfareblog (Washington, DC)
Wired (San Francisco, CA)
The Fine Print:  Embed courtesy of our friends at Getty Images, who have the photographic history of the 20th and 21st Century on file. The image has not been altered in any way. We thank them for sharing.  The Nightshift is a production of Perception Engineering and The Media Bunker. This post is number 1205 for this site. Thanks for reading. Now–catch up on the world. 

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