The Nightshift: 26 August 2017

Press Clippings:
Embed from Getty Images
Good Morning, it’s Saturday, 26 August 2017, and this is the morning edition of The Nightshift, the world’s overnight news feed.
Tropical Storm Harvey has hit the state of Texas very hard, coming ashore in the Corpus Christi area between Port Aransas and Port O’Connor. Heavy wind damage, lots of power outages, storm surge, etc. The strongest storm in the last 50 years and it’s showing its power. A link to the Weather Channel is at the bottom of the press list(below). You can see our coverage of  the storm by clicking here (scroll up for most recent posts…posting will continue throughout the day). If you’re in the storm or the path of the storm–stay safe and off the roads.
Today is National Dog Day. If you have a pup, show him/her some extra affection today. They’d do the same for you.
Stay in the know: catch up on the news around the globe by reading the front pages of the World’s Greatest Newspapers.
The International Headlines are all at your fingertips, below.
The Times (London
Financial Times (UK)
The Irish Times (Dublin, Ireland)
The Wall Street Journal (European edition)
Washington Post (Washington, D.C.)
New York Times (New York)
The Los Angeles Times (Los Angeles)
Daily News Egypt (Cairo)
South China Morning Post (Hong Kong)
The Moscow Times (Moscow)
Le Figaro (Paris) (New York)
The Jerusalem Post (Jerusalem)
The Japanese Times (Tokyo)
Sputnik (Moscow)
The Buenas Aires Herald (Buenas Aires)
The Sidney Morning Herald (Sidney)
Deadline Hollywood (Hollywood)
FiveThirtyEight (New York City)
Politico (Washington, DC)
Lawfareblog (Washington, DC)
Wired (San Francisco, CA)
The Weather Channel 
The Fine Print: Embed courtesy of our friends at Getty Images, who have the photographic history of the 20th and 21st century on file. This photo has not been altered in any way. We thank them for sharing. The Nightshift is a production of Perception Engineering and The Media Bunker. This post is number 1336 for this site. The Nightshift is a continually evolving experiment in news communications. Currently, comments on the world’s news have been (severely) limited and a photo of one important story of the day is included. It’s rapid iteration. Thanks for reading. Now–catch up on the world.

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