In the last installment of 2017’s Christmas Camp, we tackle the “how to” of one of the most famous lines in all of Christmas music. The line–“Chestnuts roasting over an open fire”–is from “The Christmas Song”, written by singer Mel Torme (known as the “velvet fog”) and Bob Wells in the summer of 1945. The song is known as the most recorded/played of modern Christmas songs (although Mariah Carey’s “All I Want For Christmas Is You” is fast closing in). The version that most people know is the one by Nat King Cole, which was recorded in 1961, but there are other versions–in particular Ray Charles’ take on the classic–that are also superb. So…what better way to end the Christmas Camp series with a video that shows you how to “road chestnuts on an open fire”. Follow the directions, use appropriate protection, and you know what to put on the hi-fi while you’re working. Merry Christmas.
Set the Holiday mood, check out the Christmas One More Time XV playlist at Spotify…just type into your browser and you’ve got music to get you through all your projects.
Fine Print: Video Embed courtesy of YouTube. It has not been altered in any way. We thank them for sharing. All rights belong to the respective rights holders and we thank them for making their videos available for distribution and sharing. Christmas Camp, a guide to the essential skills of Christmas, is a project of….. Copyright (c) Donald Pierce, all rights reserved. Enjoy the holidays.