Breaking: White House Releases FBI Memo

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The White House, under the direction of President Donald Trump, has released the controversial “memo” that they claim shows the FBI has a bias against the current administration and has used that bias to improperly secure FISA warrants that were used to surveil Trump administration officials and supporters. The FBI strongly advised against the release of the “memo”, which was created under the supervision of Devin Nunes, a Republican congressman from California, saying that it could pose certain national security risks. The advice not to release the memo was ignored despite national security issues and claims the document was inaccurate and incomplete.  The Republicans believe the release of the document proves a bias against the President; the Democrats believe the document is a ploy to de-legitimize the Mueller investigation into Russian meddling and the Trump campaign’s possible collusion with the Russians. The Potomac Drama that is modern day Washington now takes another step into a unique form of governance darkness.
The Fine Print: Image courtesy of Getty Images, who have the photographic history of the 20th and 21st century on file. This image has not been altered in any way. We thank them for sharing. 

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