The Nightshift: 27 February 2018

Press Clippings:
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Good Morning, it’s Tuesday, 28 February 2018,  and this is the Morning Edition of The Nightshift.
The debate is on. President Trump has advanced some ideas to mitigate the gun violence problem in America. One is raising the legal age to buy a gun to 21 from 18 and the other is arming teachers. Trump’s position on certain gun law changes is directly opposite that of the NRA. Expect conflict.
Presidential advisor Hope Hicks is scheduled to be interviewed today behind closed doors in Congress as the Russian interference investigation continues.
China’s President Xi Jinping has performed a power grab with new rules that will, in effect, keep him in office as President for life.
Today is National Retro Day. Go back in time…it’ll probably make you feel more comfortable.
What we’re listening to in The Media Bunker: The Valentines 2018 playlist, compiled by our music editor/producer/DJ Tschugge. 
The front pages (and sometimes more) of the world’s great English language newspapers are linked below. The International Headlines are all at your fingertips, below. As always, thanks for dropping by.
The Times (London
Financial Times (UK)
The Irish Times (Dublin, Ireland)
The Wall Street Journal (European edition)
Washington Post (Washington, D.C.)
New York Times (New York)
The Boston Globe (Boston)
The Los Angeles Times (Los Angeles)
Daily News Egypt (Cairo)
South China Morning Post (Hong Kong)
The Moscow Times (Moscow)
Le Figaro (Paris) (New York)
The Jerusalem Post (Jerusalem)
The Japanese Times (Tokyo)
The Local (Oslo)
Sputnik (Moscow)
The Buenas Aires Herald (Buenas Aires)
The Sidney Morning Herald (Sidney)
Deadline Hollywood (Hollywood)
FiveThirtyEight (New York City)
Politico (Washington, DC)
Lawfareblog (Washington, DC)
Wired (San Francisco, CA)
The Weather Channel
CNN News Text Site
Ars Technica  
The Fine Print: Embed image courtesy of our friends at Getty Images, who have the photographic history of the 20th and 21s century on file and online. If you need an image, they are your source. This image has not been altered in any way. We thank them for sharing. This post is number 1671 for this site. The Nightshift is a continually evolving experiment in news communications and is a production of Perception Engineering and The Media Bunker. It’s rapid iteration.Thanks for reading. Now–catch up on the world.

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