Looks like we’re in for the Coronavirus testing/isolation/quarantine cycle for quite a while—at least until the end of March. Maybe, and quite possibly, longer.
At this stage it’s the old Donald Rumsfeld quote that comes first to mind: “we don’t know what we don’t know”. That makes it quite difficult to get the full dimensions of what we’re facing, what the composition is of the disease, and the most effective way to fight it off, cure it, or at least fight it to a draw so we can reach, again, some semblance of normalcy and forward movement and financial stability.
To say America is frozen in time and place is an understatement: news shows are overflowing with Coronavirus (“CV”) stories and connected facts and data, some of it from reputable sources (scientists, medical experts, Ph.D.s ) and some from poorly informed, educated, reasoned, government leaders and their lackies. Bet on the scientists if you have to take sides because they know the drill and how to read the numbers and parse the data. This one–CV–was on the horizon years ago and as recently as two years ago, when the current administration started dismantling our disease Early Warning Systems at the NSC and hollowing out the CDC, the scientists warned it was coming and best to get prepared. Obama started the process of prep for a new world of nasty viruses and flu; the current administration has spent a lot of its time dismantling that work and their ineptness and poor reasoning abilities have brought us to this point. Enough.
This is a special post from DonaldPierce.Com (“DPC”) designed to serve as a workbook/guide/clearing house of current and valid information on CV (also known as Covid-19). We will add new material to the sources, articles, and links listed here on a daily basis…so let’s get smarter about all of this stuff, starting now with an overview or two.
Situation Summary of Covid-19 (CDC)
New York Times Guide to CoronaVirus
Prepping the CoronaVirus Vaccine (Scientific American)
Coronavisus Resource Center (Harvard Medical School)
Coronavirus Symptoms (World Health Organization)
CV Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment (Family Doctor)
History of Coronavirus (Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal)
What Is a Corona Virus?(Science Alert.Com)
Wikipedia Entry on Coronavirus
CV and the Anti-Lessons of History (The Lancet)
The Governments Mixed Messaging on CV (KFF.org)
The Fine Print: Photography courtesy of our friends at Getty Images, who have the photographic history of the 20th and 21st century on file. This photo has not been altered in any way. All rights belong to Getty and/or their designate. Text, copyright (c) 2020 Donald Pierce and Southchester Group LLC, all rights reserved. Research Produced by the Media Bunker and Perception Engineering. who are going to be riding the storm out with you. Comments are welcomed, but a certain degree of decorum is expected. Thanks for reading.