
rTexas is frozen. The “energy state”, home to the nation’s largest oil and gas reserves and the center of America’s energy business, is suffering through a massive power outage that spans the entire Lone Star State. It is more than embarrassing–people are dying, businesses cannot open, restaurants cannot serve, gasoline supplies are running low, and water supplies are shut off, frozen, or empty. Across the state, frozen pipes and frozen citizens are the new icons of America’s self-appointed new destination for modern 21st century businesses run by people like Elon Musk (Tesla) and Larry Ellison(Oracle). Apple already has an outpost in Austin as does Facebook. But none of it will work without electricity. A lot of things went wrong in Texas for this event to happen and cause so much damage, but we’ll leave the analysis of that for another time. To see the real impact, the Media Bunker staff gathered up a stream of messages coming out from the Ring/Neighborhood network that show the real situations faced by citizens in just one section of Houston (for those keeping score, that would be the Southwest section of town, close to the “energy corridor” commercial development. Nothing has been edited up (to make things more dramatic) or down (to make things less severe). Screen captures were pulled off an iPhone. It’s a glimpse of the world without power and it’s pretty sobering. 

Fine Print: Photo courtesy of our friends at GettyImages.com, who have the photographic history of the 20th and 21st century on file. This photo has not been altered in anyway. We thank them for sharing. Text Copyright (c)2021 Donald Pierce and Southchester Group LLC,  all rights reserved. DonaldPierce.com is produced by the team at the Media Bunker and Perception Engineering. Opinions expressed are those of the writers. DonaldPierce.com has a wide bandwidth that allows for the coverage of everything from politics to sports car racing and is designed as an experiment in digital communications. From time-to-time we cover live events as they happen. For daily world news coverage please check out nightshiftnews.com, our sister site, which has links to every major English language newspaper in the world. Thanks for reading. Come back soon (and stay safe). 

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