Paying Attention:
Christmas movies and specials are one of the great traditions of the Holidays, but finding the film or show you want to see can be a bit of an adventure. To make things a whole lot simpler, here are some very well curated lists of the best shows and movies on the air this holiday season, which starts–semi-officially–on Thanksgiving Day and runs through January 1st.
Holiday Pages has a terrific list of TV and made-for-TV movies, all displayed in a very tight and well-formatted design.
Another great list of Christmas entertainment can be found at, which features the not-so-obvious shows and specials as well as Christmas Classics and good background on all the Christmas themed movies playing over the holidays on the Hallmark Channel. Very well done.
And, for breadth of coverage, the folks at It’s A Wonderful Movie(dot com) have it all covered. Click the 2016 Christmas Movie Schedule to see all of the offerings available.
Thanks to the folks and fans who did the research, compiled the lists, and made them available for everyone else to use–that’s a true expression of the Christmas Spirit.