The Art of The Movie Trailer: Spectre

iPaying Attention. The James Bond movie series totals 25  films, 23 of them produced by Eon Productions, who now holds all of the rights to the Ian Fleming novels (and spinoffs) that first popularized James Bond in print. The James Bond movies are  the single most successful movie franchise ever created  and are justifiably well known for their spectacular stunts and special effects. Each film begins with an amazing opening that involves spectacular (and dangerous) stunts but before the film starts to play in movie theaters, the producers seed the market and whet the appetite of millions of James Bond fans over the world with equally spectacular movie trailers. The next James Bond film, coming late in 2015, is SPECTRE, a film named after Bond’s long-time criminal nemesis (Special Executive for Counter-Inteligence, Terrorism, Revenge, and Extortion). It’s scheduled for release in November of this year and will again start Daniel Craig, who has developed into the very best version of Bond since Sean Connery.  Here’s the latest trailer for the next Bond movie.

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