Why Work? It's Christmas.

Paying Attention: We all know that things wind down at the end of the year (an investment banking friend once said that if “your deal isn’t signed and scheduled for closing before Thanksgiving, you’re going to have start all over in January, because it’s not getting done before the end of the year”) and in …

The Christmas Channel: How Hallmark Owns a Holiday

Paying Attention Maybe you noticed it on the way to another channel–the Hallmark Channel. Not necessarily a destination on your cable TV or satellite TV lineup, but a fixture, always there and always programming a type of show or made-for-tv movie that is quintessentially American. At no time during the year is the presence (and …

The (Secret)History of Christmas Music

This holiday season, in addition to new posts, material, and videos, we are revisiting some of the greats of Christmas past. When the Media Bunker staff started sorting the Christmas posts, they discovered tons of holiday themed articles and posts…dat’s alot. So, no need to keep it all tucked away in a digital cloud….might as …

The Christmas Playlist Series: No. XI

The Hunt For New (Christmas) Music: Embed from Getty Images This is the 11th in a series of Christmas music playlists, featuring old classics along with many new songs that you may not have heard before. As always, enjoy The Best of the Season, musically. Just click the link: https://sptfy.com/72a6 Happy & Merry!

Christmas One More Time, X

Continuing, in our series of the finest Christmas music, brought you through efforts of the staff at The Media Bunker and the kindness of Spotify. You can enjoy the entire playlist through the courtesy of our friends at Spotify.  Click the play button the playlist and then you’ll have a couple of choices: sign in …

Christmas One More Time, IX

Another in the tradition of our truly great, very carefully curated Christmas Playlists, brought to you streaming in high def audio via our friends at Spotify. You can enjoy the entire playlist through the courtesy of our friends at Spotify.  Click the play button the playlist and then you’ll have a couple of choices: sign …

The Christmas Playlist Series: No. XII

The  Hunt for New (Christmas) Music: Embed from Getty Images The last in our series of Christmas music playlists for 2016. There are lots of great songs on these playlists–dig some of it out and give it a listen. Next up: setting one (or more) of the Playlists on click-to-hear Spotify link. Happy Holidays Just …