Nightshift Sports:
It’s summer, if you’re a golfer, you’re going to try to get in as many rounds as you can, maybe even during the week, not just on the weekend. Here’s an interesting story from our friends at Golf WRX that goes inside the ropes and into the reality of what a golf tech rep does. The sports industry has long employed a rep system for marketing their products and getting the word out. The tech rep has to be the expert on the product, who’s it for, what it does and why it’s right for the market/player/times…plus, knowing all the technology in the product and how to fit/use that technology for the benefit for the client. Golf tech reps are the guys and girls who show up at your local club or range on Demo Days to give golfers a chance to try a new brand or a new club. From a distance, all sports rep jobs look great: you do a sport you love, in the very best places, with the latest gear. But–as anyone with any job knows–it ain’t as easy as it looks. Well done piece by Ryan Barath for GolfWRX (if you’re into golf and not following them…you should).
The Fine Print: Embed courtesy of our friends at Getty Images, who have the photographic history of the 20th and 21st century on file. This image has not been altered in anyway. We thank them for sharing.