Storm Watch: Rising Tides

The Latest Word:

25 August 2017, 9:17AM Britta Merwin of Channel 2 Houston (NBC) sets the stage for Hurricane Harvey’s arrival on the Texas coast.

During the Stormwatch, we took screen shots of the Weather Channel and local coverage of Hurricane Harvey. Everything was time stamped, so seen as a sequence, it provides a visual timeline of Hurricane Harvey as it closed in on the Texas coast. If you read the text on the screen carefully, you can see how the storm’s characteristics changed over time. Stay tuned. Many more to come.
The Fine Print: Screenshot of Channel 2, KPRC-TV (Houston NBC) taken at  9:17AM, 25 August 2017, with Apple iPhone 6.  Stormwatch is a production of Perception Engineering and The Media Bunker. Contents Copyright (c) 2017, Donald Pierce.


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