The Olympics are in full swing and we’re at the mid-point of the games. We’ve all seen enough know to know the big stories and big players. Through the Olympic Briefing series of Posts, we’ve been able to highlight the key elements of each of the big competition groups in the games, the concept being the more you know about each sport, the more you will enjoy watching it.
In the process of producing the Olympic Briefings, we’ve discovered a lot of really great videos on Winter Olympic sports, Alpine sports, snowboarding, bobsledding, and other elements that make up or contribute to the Winter Games. Early on, one of the concepts that was developed was to produce an online Olympic Film Festival. We just kept turning up film after film, video after video, of great material that should be shared. If you’ve followed this blog, you’ve already seen one of the greats: the 125th Anniversary video of the Cresta Run. But there are more, lots more and so we’ve gathered them up, in no particular order, and either put them up or put links to them up, so that you enjoy–in one place–the very best in video and film on the games, athletes, sports, and drama of the Winter Olympics.
Also, please note, that some of these videos are one-click to play and others link back to the mother ship that hosts them (mostly YouTube, although Vimeo is another great go-to source). The programming list is long, and so the Festival Entries will be spread out over several days. A couple of suggestions: play this material full screen and, if all possible, run it through your flat screen and hi-fi system. Some of this material–especially the POV (point of view) sequences are very involving and total immersion is highly recommended. And binge watch because we’ll binge post for you. If you like what you see, drop us a note. All emails are answered. Click in, sit back, and enjoy.